Physics Fall Scavenger Hunt

Welcome to the Physics UIUC Scavenger Hunt! This activity is intended to familarize you with some important places on campus, and introduce you to some of your peers in our department.


  1. After the start, you will have 1.5 hours to complete all of the prompts to the best of your ability. It's ok if you don't finish all of the prompts, quality over quantity (there are some sweet bonuses that can help compensate for not completing all of the challenges).
  2. At least one of your group members should text @pscavhunt to 81010 so that they can submit the photos or videos. We can help you get it set up at the start point if need be.
  3. For the duration of the competition there will be someone at the start point, so if you have any questions or finish early head back there.
  4. The start and end points will be the same, near the Foellinger Auditorium steps.
  5. Every prompt will require a real-time submission of a photo or video, so make sure to have the cameras rolling where necessary.
  6. There are five prompts that lead you to a fellow Physics student (who will have a nametag or some indication that they're in physics), each prompt that does so will have a note at the beginning saying "Peer Involved." These five are required to win. Before being able to complete the prompt, you must meet with them. They have some information about the place you'll find yourself, its relevance to Physics at UIUC, and how you can earn the points for their prompt. If you do not meet with them, you will not receive the points for their prompt. We will be able to tell by your submission.


The amount of points each prompt is worth will be listed alongside the prompt itself, as well as any bonus points you may be able to aquire for it.


Prizes will be awarded at the end for all participants, and for the teams with the top three scores.