To submit your photo and video responses to the prompts, text @pscavhunt to 81010. If you are having trouble setting up the submission, watch this video.

Location Based Prompts

Which quad is it anyways?

Points: 300
Bonus: 200
Type: Photo

Clue: UIUC has four prominent quads, and something to keep in mind when choosing classes is how much time it takes to get from one place to another. With this in mind, we want you to pick a quad, select a building that is directly on that quad, and take a picture of your entire team directly in front of the sign (so we can see the name) for that building.

200 Bonus points for the building (not on the main quad) that is the furthest away from the starting location.

Where can I get some course advice?

Points: 500
Bonus: n/a
Type: Photo

Clue: *Peer Involved*
Are you jones-ing for some course advice, but don't know where to go?

How about a lecture? Nuclear arms or learning with some fans of E.A. Poe

This place has everything and more,

a teathered ball, Jacob's ladder, and four floors.

Stop on by, don't be shy, this place is now your home.

What future is he computing?

Points: 500
Bonus: n/a
Type: Photo

Clue: *Peer Involved*
There are many places on campus to love and hate, and I'm no exception.

I'm the largest of my kind for this nation,

but that doesn't mean you'll find any fairy tale endings.

I have a friend named Bob who never leaves,

and more manuscripts on railroads that I know what to do with.

Come to me for many things, but poetry isn't one.

I've got many books, but this poem now is done.

The witch is dead! Which old witch? The wicked witch.

Points: 500
Bonus: n/a
Type: Photo

Clue: *Peer Involved*
I'm not a horror shop, I hold a very different kind of scare.

Many rooms line my halls, and a library all to myself, something, with other departments, I do not share.

I've been many things to U of I, and I'll likely be your last stop, even if it's on a dare.

Tick Tock, I'm not always a clock, but some times I do declare.

It's not september yet.

Points: 500
Bonus: n/a
Type: Photo

Clue: *Peer Involved*
I'm not easy to find, without a map your chances aren't so good.

It'll be worth it for the next four years, so seek me out my curry if you would.

I'm Green to go, wouldn't you know with so many options I'm the place to go.

Up some steps, in the shadows you'll find me and my pho.

Do you see what I see?

Points: 500
Bonus: n/a
Type: Photo

Clue: *Peer Involved*
I see further than any human on campus, even if you stand atop the pineapple

On the registers of historic places, in 1986 I made it to national.

My many lenses are quite a site,

Although my exterior is a little old, many groups used to stop by night after night.