To submit your photo and video responses to the prompts, text @pscavhunt to 81010. If you are having trouble setting up the submission, watch this video.

Non-Location Based Prompts


Points: 300
Bonus: n/a
Type: Photo

Clue: Take a picture of a stranger taking a picture of you.

Safety First

Points: 400
Bonus: n/a
Type: Photo

Clue: Snap a picture of a team member with something safety related like caution tape, a sign, or hand sanitizer.

Now that's a rock

Points: 500
Bonus: 400
Type: Photo

Clue: Find a sizeable rock and bring it with you to the final rendezvous. The most interesting rock, or story about a rock (can be made up), gets a 400 point bonus.

Strike a Pose

Points: 600
Bonus: n/a
Type: Photo/video

Clue: Have two team members show us their best yoga/acroyoga move in a video or photo! Don't worry if you don't know any actual positions or movements, a funny name and a made up pose will do just fine.

Literary Genius

Points: 1000
Bonus: n/a
Type: Video

Clue: Write a poem of at least 8 lines, film a video clip of a team member reciting it to a stranger.

This thing here

Points: 1000
Bonus: 200
Type: Video

Clue: A really important skill to have in science is communication, and something that always helps communication is a cool demonstration.

There are several such demonstrations around Loomis Lab that inspire EOH demonstrations. You'll need to come up with one on your own (feel free to take inspiration from any you may know of inside Loomis). For this mission you need to film one of your teammates giving an overly confident mis-explanation of what the demonstration proves.

200 additional Bonus points for the most inaccurate and hilarious submission. Bonus points will only be awarded if there are multiple submissions for this question.